Credit as Junior Editor on observational doc series. Involved several months abroad in remote locations. TX is in 2024.
Credit as Junior Editor on landmark nat history series for an SVOD streamer. TX is TBC.
Credit as Junior Editor on landmark natural history series by Plimsoll Productions. TX is in 2024.
Credit as an Editor for the Elephant Making Of and Edit Assistant across the series made by the BBC NHU. TX in 2022.
Credit as Junior Editor for two VTs for the Plant Britain episode. TX in 2021.
Credit as Media Manager on one-off landmark doc by BBC NHU. TX in 2021.
Credit as Edit Assistant/Assistant Editor on natural history series made by Humblebee Films. TX in 2021.
Credit as Media Manager on landmark natural history series by Plimsoll Productions. TX in 2020.
Credit as an Edit Assistant on feature observational doc by Insight TWI. Cinema release in 2019.
Credit as Data Wrangler on series by Brinkworth Films. TX in 2019.
Edit Assistant on mini landmark natural history series made by BBC NHU. TX in 2018.
Edit Assistant on feature doc for PBS. TX in 2017.
Editor on feature observational doc by Script2Screen Media. TX and cinema release in 2016.